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Отображает публикации с лучшей репутацией с 06/03/18 во всех приложениях

  1. Уже перестал удивляться вопросам: "а что вы на психотерапии делать со мной будете?" Отвечаю метафорой: - три самых замечательных вещи на свете: Быть в чьих-то мыслях. В чьих-то молитвах и в чьем-то сердце.
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  2. Clinic Podkhvatilin "...It is not only physical but also psychological trauma which determines medical condition of children admitted to the emergency department. Physical trauma usually dominates; for this reason, surgeon or traumatologist often does not notice signs of psychological trauma at all. However, it is often the psychological trauma which causes delayed recovery of the child. The very fact of the influence of physical trauma on the child's psyche causes psychological and emotional stress. After the psychological trauma caused by the event beyond the scope of ordinary human experience (life-threat, physical destruction, loss of home or loved ones, etc.) the child may develop a pathological stress, which affects personality at biological, psychological and behavioral levels. In this case, mental state of mind may have a negative effect on the mechanisms of recovery..." continuation
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